Thursday, April 2, 2009

Crew Injury Law

Crew Injury Law
As a maritime worker, you face a high risk of an on-the-job injury. Put simply, you have one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, and we are here to help.

Seamen, merchant marines, fisherman … all of you have jobs different from those on land and all of you face increased risks because of this. What may be relatively safe on land becomes dangerous at sea. Doing a job with waves crashing is very different from doing a job where nothing is moving. You know that and so do we.

Maritime injuries are woefully common and when they occur, you might be days away from medical care. Injuries at sea have their own peculiar risks. Non life threatening injuries can become life threatening and what would be a minor injury on land can become an emergency when you are at sea. Again, being a seaman is different. The vessel captain, and through him, the vessel owner, controls nearly everything on board. Maritime law recognizes this and seeks to compensate in favor of the seaman and fisherman. The law has several special legal remedies available to help ensure injured seamen/fishermen receive full and just compensation and care if injured at sea or on a vessel. If you are an injured maritime worker, an injured seaman, an injured fisherman, or an injured merchant marine, we urge you to contact us so we can help you determine your rights and seek full compensation under the maritime laws for your injury.

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