Monday, July 20, 2009


Key Advice

- Stay alert
- Look after your passport - it is your most valuable possession when travelling internationally. Keep it and any air tickets in a safe place and keep a photocopy an spare photographs with you
- Avoid drawing attention to yourself
- Remember - possessions are replaceable , your are not !

Before you travel

Ensure you are properly informed about the area you are visiting, including :

- social and political climate
- organised crime and corruption
- possibility of terrorism
- areligious or ethnic extremism or unrest
- area to avoid

At the airport

- always watch your bags ( and computer ) , especially when going through security screening
- keep anything of value in a carrycase that stays with you
- Never carry packages through customs for other people
- Never joke aboun weapons or explosives
- Never raise your voice to officials or patronise them or their country
- Pack your own lauggage and never leave it unattended

Street and hotel security

- Respect local customs, coutesies and dress codes
- Avoid broadcasting personal information, such as your name, room number, hotel or destination or when at reception or when booking taxi
- Maintain a low profile by dressing conservatively and not wearing expensive looking jewellery or watches
- Blend in with the local environmental and avoid drawing attention to yourself
Watch out for staged mishaps. These can take many forms
- Book hotel rooms between the second and seventh floors. This limits easy access to the room from the ground yet is low enough to be reached by fire equipment
- Keep hotel doors and windows locked. Use a rubber wedge to secure your door

Ensure you get home

- Do your family and company know where you are and how long you intend to be there
- Tust your instincts. Leave areas where you feel ill at ease
- Avoid shortcuts and stay in well-lit areas
- Remain in groups
- Avoid going out alone and on foot during hours of darkness

source: IMCA Series of pocket safety cards ( No. 13 - June 2006 )

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